DIY Dog Gas Relief Home Remedies

If you've ever suffered from uncomfortable gas, you know how painful it can be. You feel bloated and cramped, and your dog will feel the same way if he's struggling with a bout of gas. These dog gas relief home remedies will help your Fido feel better in no time.

Gas in dogs is usually not something to be concerned about. If your dog's gas is accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea, than you should schedule a check-up with your veterinarian.

What and how your dog eats is usually the biggest culprit when it comes to excessive flatulence. Just like humans, a dog's digestive tract forms gas because of bacterial fermentation of nutrients.

This sometimes results in gases being released.

Gas can also be formed by dogs swallowing too much air, which happens more frequently than bacterial fermentation.

When it is caused by bacterial fermentation, it is usually a result of a change in diet that does not agree with your dog's stomach. This can be from adding “gas-positive” foods such as soybeans, beans, peas, spoiled foods, milk, spices, and many other high-fiber foods.

If your dog's gas problem has come on suddenly or it seems to be getting worse, be sure to check in with your veterinarian before trying a bunch of dog gas relief home remedies.

DIY Dog Gas Relief Home Remedies

dog gas relief home remediesMassage

Your dog may not be able to pass the gas on his own, or he may just need a little help to speed up the process and find relief. You can help your pup pass built up gas by giving him a gentle massage.

Sit down on the floor or couch, and get your dog to lie down near you or on your lap. Make sure both of you are comfortable, calm and relaxed.

Tip your pet onto his side, so you have access to his belly. Flatten your palm and slowly move it around your dog's belly.

Pay attention to areas that feel hardened versus those that are soft and malleable. For large areas, rub to relieve the pressure. For small areas, it may be more efficient to squeeze gently.

Continue to massage in a circular motion with mild pressure. Trust me, you'll know when your passes gas and finds relief.

Higher quality food

Another very common cause of gas in dogs is poorly digested food. Food that your dog cannot digest effectively causes excessive fermentation in his digestive tract.

In most cases, it's easy to fix this issue with a gradual change in diet. Be sure to check with your veterinarian to ensure your dog's gas is due to a small digestion issue and that your pet doesn't have any food allergies or sensitivities that could be causing excessive gas.

Your vet can also help you select a higher-quality dog food or discuss homemade dog food that will meet your dog's nutritional needs and fit into your budget.

how to massage gas out of dogs

Switch to a slow feeder

As most gas does originate from a dog taking in too much air, it is important to understand and be able to identify situations that may be causing it. One of the most common causes of gas in dogs is eating too quickly.

Your dog will swallow excess air if he eats too quickly. This means you need to slow down how quickly your dog consumes food.

The easiest way to slow down a dog that eats too fast is by providing them with a slow feeder. You can check out a few options that I've used with my dogs:

You can also make your own DIY slow feeder for dogs:

Pre- and probiotics

Your dog’s gut contains both “good” and “bad” bacteria. There must be a balance between the good and bad bacteria for your dog's digestive tract in order for him to stay healthy.

Adding both prebiotics and probiotics can have a significant, positive effect on your pet's overall health and wellbeing.

Prebiotics are comprised of fiber that cannot be digested. Since they cannot be digested, they are carried through the digestive tract to your dog's colon.

They help to fuel a healthy environment by feeding the good bacteria that reside there.

Probiotics, on the other hand, repopulate the good bacteria that are missing from your dog’s system.

A healthy digestive tract will not only reduce gas in dogs, but it will also aid in his overall health and well-being. Better still, pre- and probiotics are very unlikely to cause any negative side effects in a healthy dog.

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Samantha’s biggest passion in life is spending time with her Boxer dogs. After she rescued her first Boxer in 2004, Samantha fell in love with the breed and has continued to rescue three other Boxers since then. She enjoys hiking and swimming with her Boxers, Maddie and Chloe.