When your dog appears disoriented, falls to the floor on their side, and begins flailing their legs as though treading water, they are most likely having seizures.

There are several reasons why a dog suffers from seizures. However, one of them can be due to Epilepsy.

Epilepsy refers to a diverse condition characterized by recurring, unprovoked seizures caused by a brain malfunction. It is the most common neurological disease in dogs affecting approximately 0.75% of the canine population.

The disease can be genetic, caused by structural issues in the brain, or from an unknown source. But it can also be due to kidney failure, liver disease, toxins, or brain tumors.

The determination of a suitable treatment regimen for canine Epilepsy depends on the kind and origin of seizures. However, there are natural remedies that veterinarians recommend for your dog.

This article will help you determine which of these natural remedies are suitable for your dog and how you will make or purchase them.

But first, let's try to know more about dog seizures. 

Seizures in Dogs: Types, Causes, and Symptoms

Seizures in Dogs: Types, Causes, and Symptoms

Like humans, seizures in dogs are due to an increase in electrical activity in the cerebral cortex. Several reasons cause it, and some of them are heat exhaustion, nutritional imbalance, and ingested poison.

During a typical seizure episode, the animal loses consciousness and falls on their body, before they start trembling and drooling. The convulsion may stop after a few minutes, but it may also come back.

The animal will usually be tired and bewildered after the incident, but they may also go momentarily blind. Consequently distressing and hurting the pet owner emotionally. 

On the other hand, there are different types of seizures, and your dog from more than one type. It may even come as a surprise to you that not all of these types involve body convulsions.

First on the list is the Grand mal seizures or “generalized” seizures. This type of seizure gets triggered by irregular electrical activity in the brain and can persist for a few seconds to a few minutes.

Subsequently, focal seizures are similar to grand mal seizures. However, they only affect a particular side or area of the dog's brain, eventually progressing to a grand mal seizure.

In contrast, psychomotor seizures do not involve body convulsions. Instead, it consists of strange behaviors such as erratically running around or excessively chasing their tail.

In psychomotor seizures, it might be difficult to tell if your dog is behaving funny or not. But when they're having an episode, they display the same strange behaviors repeatedly. 

Lastly, idiopathic epilepsy refers to seizures for which there is no recognized cause. These kinds are more common in dogs aged six months to six years.

A seizure can manifest itself in various ways. Thus, if your dog appears to be suffering from one, contact your veterinarian immediately.

What You Should Do If Your Dog Is Having Seizures

What You Should Do If Your Dog Is Having Seizures

Even though seizures look dramatic and violent, in actuality, they are not painful. It might cause uncertainty, dread, or anxiety to the dog, but certainly no pain.

However, more frequent and severe seizures might potentially cause brain damage in your dogs, or worst, death.

If your dog is having a sudden seizure, and it's your first time to be encountering this, try to follow the steps listed below:

1. Try to be calm. Getting stressed or anxious will not aid your dog.

2. Make sure the space surrounding your dog is free from objects so that they won't injure themselves.

3. Avoid touching your dog's head, and don't put your hand in their mouth. Dogs, unlike humans, cannot choke on their tongues, so there's no need to put your hand (or anything else) near his mouth. It is the most effective means of avoiding a bite.

4. Please keep track of how long the seizure lasts, as it might cause your dog to overheat. If it lasts more than 2 minutes, put on the ceiling fan or position a portable fan beside them to keep them cool. Soak a towel in cold water and place it on their paws.

5. Whisper comforting words to your dogs to reassure and make them feel safe knowing that their owner is there. If this is your dog's first seizure, you should contact your veterinarian to discuss this along with and treatment options.

If the seizures become more frequent, keeping a journal might be beneficial. It can assist you, and your veterinarian in narrowing down the cause, mainly if it is anything external, such as a change in food or a trigger in his surroundings.

Dangers of Seizures in Dogs

Dangers of Seizures in Dogs

Although a single seizure is seldom hazardous, having cluster seizures can be one. A dog suffering from several attacks during a short period might cause the dog's body temperature to rise, causing hyperthermia.

When you are not present, your pet may suffer a seizure randomly in critical spots of your house, for example, on the stairs or in your children's playroom. 

Thus, it would be best if you always take precautions when leaving them. As much as possible, call a trusted person who can look after them whenever you leave your house. 

In contrast, they may also have seizures whenever you walk them out. It can happen during their playtime at the park or whenever both of you are crossing the road. 

Hence, you have to stay attentive and reactive at all times. 

Natural Remedies For Your Dogs

Natural Remedies For Your Dogs

Seizures are often unexpected. They can catch a family and their pet off guard, scaring the ones who see straight from the horse's mouth.

When it comes to getting help for their pets, many pet owners feel powerless. While a veterinarian can prescribe medicines, some dog owners detest the side effects that come with them.

One significant advantage of this treatment, aside from being “natural,” it empowers you to take control of your dog's health. Furthermore, it eliminates or reduces prescription medicine's side effects, thus improving their overall health.

However, bear in mind that even natural products might have significant adverse effects.

#1: Gelatin

#1: Gelatin

Several people believe that gelatin is a potent brain-protective and anti-inflammatory food that helps in preventing seizures. Its high glycine content protects brain tissue from seizures' damage.

Gelatin is a substance found in an animal's skin, tendons, bones, and cartilage. You can effortlessly make this by making a broth bone for your dogs.

However, you can also find it in plants, although they are commonly carbohydrate and manufacture produced.

To help and protect your dog from seizures, consider including gelatin in their diet. You can have it in their meals or have it as their treat.

#2: Honey

#2: Honey

Some individuals recommend giving your pet a little honey after their seizure to restore their blood sugar levels to normal.

Honey helps in metabolizing the blood sugar level inside your body. It also has antioxidant properties that boost your dog's immune system.

Furthermore, some seizures are usually due to hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is a condition in which a dog's body has a lower blood sugar level than needed.

It happens when a dog doesn't get enough amount of sugar that is needed to intake.

Thus, experts recommend honey if your dog is tiny or diabetic since it does contain a hypoglycemic effect.

#3: Omega 3 Fatty Acids

#3: Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Aside from its nutritional benefits, experts recommend including Omega 3 Fatty Acids in your dog's diet plan to ease their seizures. It is a type of fat with Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA), which help lower neuronal excitability by modifying ionic channels. 

Furthermore, Omega 3 Fatty Acids prove to have an anticonvulsant impact which

On the other hand, Omega 3 Fatty Acids exist in cold-water fishes such as mackerel, salmon, halibut, and they can be produced in tablets, sprays, or oils.

#4: Eggs

#4: Eggs

Dogs suffering from seizures also need to eat eggs as part of their diet as they are an excellent source of proteins and minerals.

However, besides that, eggs also contain docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and glutamate. These substances are essential for improving brain development and memory.

However, you must be conscious of the amount of glutamate your dog is consuming. If digested in excessive amounts, your dog might suffer from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease in the future. 

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#5: Herbs

#5: Herbs

Herbs are suitable for dogs too. They are full of vitamins and minerals that are safe and effective.

You can also use it with acupuncture to improve its efficacy and help lessen your dog's seizures. 

Some herbs that are great for dogs are chamomile, skullcap, and valerian. They are excellent for decreasing anxiety and tension caused by seizures.

On the other hand, milk thistle can help protect your dog's liver. Most significantly, if your dog is on anti-seizure medications that are harmful to the liver.

Herbs can also help complement the current seizure medication for your dog while managing the seizure episodes efficiently.

Use of Acupuncture Treatment in Treating Dog Seizures

Use of Acupuncture Treatment in Treating Dog Seizures

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that uses needles to relieve pain in specific body points.

According to acupuncturists, illnesses occur when there is a barrier or imbalance in someone's energy. Thus, needles are placed in affected areas to clear these blockages.

Depending on which area the needle penetrates, it enhances the body's blood circulation, nervous system activity, anti-inflammatory function, and more.

Aside from using needles, acupuncturists also use pressure in the same principle. However, this form of treatment is now called acupressure.

Veterinarians who have received special training in this field use acupuncture or acupressure as complementary medicines. This sort of therapy will aid in the prevention and shortening of future epileptic episodes. 

However, keep in mind that you should avoid these treatments while the dog is experiencing seizures.

Cons of Using Natural Remedies For Dog Seizures

Cons of Using Natural Remedies For Dog Seizures

People have used natural medicines for generations to treat primary diseases. It includes colds, upset stomachs, toothaches, and more.

But it doesn't stop there. According to a 2007 National Center for Health Statistics study, over four out of ten individuals use natural remedies as an alternative treatment for their pets.

They said they're merely supplying their dogs with purer versions of medicine that are more effective for their pets. Even injured animals in the wild seek herbs to aid in their recovery from injuries or diseases.

As tempting as the idea of natural treatments may seem to some, not all of them are safe or efficient.

Things To Avoid When Treating Dog Seizures

Things To Avoid When Treating Dog Seizures

Once your dog is prone to seizures, avoid exposing them to triggers that can worsen its conditions.

Contaminants such as cigarette smoke, car exhaust, polluted water, food preservatives, and additives can help irritate brain tissue. Thus, leading to abnormal brain activity.

In addition, changing your dog's diet can also help prevent seizures from happening. 

Always avoid foods high in glutamates, such as grains, cow's milk, beans, and peanuts. However, if your dog's diet is primarily meat, make sure that these meat sources are grass-fed, such as rabbit and turkey. 

Other harmful and poisonous items to dogs that may trigger seizures include onion, garlic, and bell pepper.

Thus, before choosing dog meals and treats, pet owners should research the composition of the ingredients used. Doing so will prevent your dogs from getting seizure episodes in the future. 


Seizure has several causes, and depending on its severity, a dog can experience it frequently or infrequently.

There is a 0.5% to 7% possibility that a dog will experience seizures in its lifetime. Thus, experts advise that your dog should be immediately evaluated by a veterinarian and subjected to a battery of testing once it occurs. 

Subsequently, several treatments are available to lessen your dog's seizure episodes too. However, most of them are risky and costly.

Thus, even though most dog owners would like to seek professional help for their pets, those on a tight budget will choose to treat them with natural remedies instead.

Veterinarians do not recommend natural remedies as the most dependable treatment for seizures in dogs.  However, it can serve as preventative measures that may be beneficial.

Seizures in dogs are upsetting. But by using these natural alternatives, you may help decrease the long-term effects your dog may suffer in the future. 

READ NEXT: Most Common Dog Breeds Prone to Seizures


Seizures in Dogs