Are you still unsure about giving CBD to your dogs? Are you afraid of CBD overdose in dogs? We get it. There are still many uncertainties to CBD due to a lack of studies.

However, a growing number of pet parents are now enthusiastic about CBD due to the positive side effects they see on their pups. CBD side effects will differ depending upon the dosage you administer.

To help lessen your doubts and fears, let's tackle if CBD or too much CBD intake can harm dogs. With the proper dosage,  CBD for dogs can have significant benefits for your dogs.

Dog Overdose vs. Dog Toxicity

Confused between overdosing and toxicity. Toxicity comes from an unsafe substance that is considered toxic to your pet. Overdosing happens when given too much of a safe substance.

In overdose, the dog's metabolism can't quickly detoxify the substance, and this causes specific side effects. Toxicity or poisoning is when a dog has ingested a drug that carries toxic potential. Toxicity can come from THC, human medication, food, or plants.

CBD Oil With Dog

What is CBD?

CBD or Cannabidiol is a compound found in hemp plants. Of more than 80 cannabinoids, CBD and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the two main cannabinoids found in cannabis products.


The main difference between THC from CBD is that THC is a psychoactive compound responsible for getting people ‘high'. At the same time, CBD has a lot of great benefits for us humans and even our dogs.

How does CBD work in a dog's body?

Like humans, dogs have the Endocannabinoid System. The ECS helps regulate the many bodily functions like pain, inflammation, metabolism, mood, immune function, and more.

When CBD enters a dog's body, the CBD stimulates the Endocannabinoid System's receptors called CB1 and CB2 by releasing endocannabinoids.

These endocannabinoids help the dog's body to be calm and balanced. If the body is not producing enough endocannabinoids, it can result in depression or sad behaviors.

Can CBD Overdose Kill or Harm My Dog?

Let's settle this here; NO CBD will not kill your dog. But dogs can overdose on CBD and can have harmful side effects too.

To help avoid these issues, you have the responsibility to know the correct dosage that your dog needs. You also have to research and understand the ingredients of the CBD product you're about to give.

Always check if the CBD product contains THC. Less than 0.3% THC is only allowed in CBD for pets as it can be toxic to our dogs.

CBD products come in different forms, like oil, treats, and cream. We highly suggest you look for the Certificate of Analysis or COA on every CBD product that you'll buy.

The Certificate of Analysis tells you the chemicals and ingredients in the product. Knowing all components, you can avoid potentially harmful ingredients for your dogs (e.g., allergies).

CBD Overdose Side effects

You might have heard the saying, “too much of something good is bad.” Well, that can also apply in taking CBDs.

Your dogs can potentially experience harmful side effects when given the incorrect dosage of CBD. A common side effect of CBD overdose is lethargy. Your dog might lack energy after too much intake of CBD.

Many people believe that the cause of this is the impurity of CBD on the products.

CBD might not be toxic because it doesn't have a psychoactive compound. It can still have possible side effects when overdosed. Here are a few potential side effects of CBD overdose in dogs:

  • Lethargy or Lack of Energy all of a sudden
  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Overwhelming Sensations
  • Excessive Drooling
  • Imbalance
  • Shaking

CBD for Dogs Dosage Guide

CBD Dosage for Dogs

CBD oils have different concentrations. That's why it's essential to check the box first. The correct CBD dosage for dogs depends on the dog's weight. A good rule of thumb is to start with 1-2mg per 10 pounds.

It usually takes about 30-45 mins after the intake to take effect. So if your dog is experiencing motion sickness or anxiety on road trips, give CBD oil 30 minutes before you're planning to go.

Furthermore, if it is your first time giving CBD, remember to monitor your dogs for possible side effects so that you can adjust the dosage next time.

Is it safe to give your dog CBD every day?

This will depend on the dogs and the reasons they are taking it. Recent studies suggest that dogs that suffer from arthritis or seizures can benefit from taking 2-8mg/kg or lower twice per day, with an 8-12 hours interval.

Is CBD Addictive to Dogs?

There is no evidence that CBD can be addictive to dogs. However, even though CBD is a natural supplement with significant benefits, we should always choose the best quality products for our dogs.

Frequently Asked Questions about CBD for Dogs

Can I use Human CBD for dogs?

There are significant differences between human CBD and CBD for dogs. There are differences in concentration, potency, and even flavors.

Human CBD can have flavors that are toxic to our dogs. Chocolate and Xylitol are examples of this. These flavors are known toxins to dogs.

Do vets recommend CBD for dogs?

Since the Food and Drug Administration doesn't regulate CBD products for animal use, vets are hesitant to prescribe CBD for dogs. Most US veterinary boards advise vets to avoid discussing or defining CBD until the FDA approves it.

However, that doesn't mean you can't buy CBD for your dogs. You can legally purchase hemp-derived CBD for dogs if you're 21 years old and above.

How long does CBD stay in a dog's body?

CBD effects can stay on your dog's body for about 24 hours. But it will also depend on the dosage you give them and the physiology of the individual dog.

It will also depend on the reason why you are using CBD. For example, if your dog is experiencing health issue symptoms, they might need more or less dosage of CBD.

When discussing the longevity of CBD in the dog's body, we're talking about the CBD's “half-life.” Half-life is the amount of time for the concentration of the CBD to decrease by half of the amount you gave it.

For example, suppose your dog is experiencing separation anxiety, and you have given them in the morning by the end of the day. In that case, the CBD side effects inside their body might not be enough for the comfort that they need in the evening.

how much cbd dosage for dogs you need to give?

CBD Overdose in Dogs Final Thoughts

As we discover the world of CBD for dogs, we can't help but wonder about the possible side effects due to the lack of studies in this field. CBD overdose in dogs could happen, but the side effects will not be fatal.

CBD overdose potential side effects include excessive drooling, vomiting, lethargy, and urinary incontinence. As a responsible owner, you have the responsibility to know the ingredients and chemicals present in the CBD product that you're giving your dog.

THC is a big no-no in CBD for dogs. Only 0.3% or lower is allowed on CBD products for pets. It is also your job to know these CBD effects and monitor your dogs to make adjustments for the next dosage.

CBD overdose will not kill your dogs. It is not even addictive.

Moreover, the amount of benefits your dogs can get from CBD triumphs all of these possible side effects. CBD can help your pup live a long and healthy life with proper dosage.

CBD for Dogs

Toby loves spending time with his dog and two cats. They are the best stress reliever and affectionate pets, especially his Belgian Malinois, Shawie. Shawie's favorite activity is running or jogging. But their go-to spot is to chill and swim around a nearby river.